Greetings from Education for Social Justice Foundation! In commemoration of the 6th International Memorial Day for the Victims of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery Global Week of Action, ESJF sends our message of support and solidarity for the victims and survivors of military sexual slavery and for ending wartime sexual violence. “제 6차 세계 일본군 성노예 기림일 맞이 세계행동 일주일”을 기념하여 사회정의교육재단에서는 일본군 성노예제도 피해자 및 생존자분들의 뜻과 의지를 존중.지지하고 전시 성폭력 범죄 근절을 위해 함께 노력하겠음을 약속합니다.
ESJF seeks to provide education on past injustices relegated to the sidelines of history, and currently we focus on addressing the history and issues of “comfort women.” Our most recent publication is dedicated to educating students and teachers about the history of “comfort women” and related issues.
This powerful footage is from the Korean Council. Please see the translation below the footage.
“I attend the Wednesday Rally to let the world know that we suffered grave pain. History is alive, so I hope that the Japanese Government will stop revising the history and learn to apologize. The future will be better if the world knows about this crime. I have heard that there still are many victims of wartime sexual violence. There shouldn’t be any more victims like us.” Won-Ok Kim (Korea, b.1928) “I’m going to live to be 200 and receive the [official] apology from the Japanese government. If they want evidence, I will say, ‘I’m the living evidence.’” Ok-Ryun Park (Korea, b. 1928) “We haven’t been liberated yet. I wish our descendants could live in a peaceful world without war.” Bok-Dong Kim (Korea, b.1926) We demand
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